Kuji Kiri by Kenyata Long - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2025)

Kuji Kiri Manifest Your Dreams With Spiritual Power Kenyata Long

Manifestation Life Hacks

Copyright © 2020 Kenyata Long All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher. ISBN-13: 9781234567890 ISBN-10: 1477123456 Cover design by: Art Painter Library of Congress Control Number: 2018675309 Printed in the United States of America

To peace, freedom, love, happiness, cooperation, harmony, and infinite abundance to all.

Contents Title Page Copyright Dedication Preface The Purposes of The Kuji Kiri/ Kuji In Ritual The Importance Of The Heavenly Chi The Nine Levels Of Power Kuji Kiri - The Nine Cuts Balancing the Five Rhythms Within You The Five Directions Of Power Using the kuji kiri for personal gain? About The Author Books By This Author mANIFEST YOUR DREAM LIFE WITH ATTRACTION




Preface Kuji Kiri and Kuji In are powerful spiritual technologies that allow you to manifest your dreams and unlock your true potential, giving you access to the positive spiritual resources that sleep deep inside you and turning you into a magnet to attract positive spiritual power from the universe around you. While many systems that approach this system attach certain godform energies to each mudra/ cut, this book will omit that and allow you to experience the power of the ritual in a pure manner. No matter what your religious beliefs maybe, you can still benefit immensely from the subtle but tremendous powers that awaken when you do these simple rituals. You'll be able to banish the negative energies that hold you back from the success you know you deserve and attract the very forces of creation to mold your perfect life into being. Wealth, health, happiness, perfect realtionships, abundance and more are yours to attract when you make this beautiful spiritual system a part of your life.

The Purposes of The Kuji Kiri/ Kuji In Ritual

While no one really knows exactly where the kuji in/kuji kiri rituals come from, the fact remains that they are a very powerful spiritual tool for manifestation and protection. They connect you to different levels of consciousness. Once you are connected, you are able to see life in a different light. No matter to what religion you adhere, you can still benefit from the power of this magical ritual. 1.

Tap in your full spiritual potential and express it.


Call on positive, helpful protective forces


Optimize the flow of energy through your meridians


Strengthen Your Aura

The benefits are countless and experimentation will reveal more awesome things to you. As a side note, many of the ancient texts that describe ritual mention the use of said gestures during passage through mountains. While most of us don’t frequent such land masses, we do often pass through hazardous weather conditions and treacherous social climates, so the kuji kiri/kuji in can be used

to navigate them safely.

The Importance Of The Heavenly Chi

Further on in this book, you’ll learn techniques that will help you attract the help of the heavens, the heavenly chi that rains down on us at every moment and is available for us to draw on it and succeed in life. Heavenly chi is responsible for progression, growth, good luck and more. At the start of every new venture in our life, we ought to begin the journey by invoking the aid of the heavenly realms. The practice of kuji is no exception. What follows is a simple way to bring the power of the heavens into your energy field and your body, offering you protection, better health and more. It acts as means to create a positive energetic field, in which your spirit can grow safely. The benefits of this simple practice are too numerous to mention, but the small amount of time that you put into it will yield you incalculable positive results. You’ll discover more techniques for balancing your chi later in this book, along with a more advanced version of this practice which is suited specifically to Kuji practice. A. Stand for a moment with your hands raised to the sky. Draw in heavenly yang energy through your fingers and palms. Take about 3 deep breaths to gather cosmic chi. This drawing of cosmic energy can be performed from a seated position if the situation allows. B. Place your hands in the well known prayer position with your palms pressed together, fingers pointed upward. Place your hands thus in front of your heart chakra. C. Hold your hands like this as you state your thanks to your heavens and

ask for assistance on this day. Stay and breathe in this position for as long as it feels good. D. When you’re ready to move on, place your hands on your heart chakra and take a few deep breaths. As you inhale, let the energy from your hands flow into your heart and as you exhale, let that power flow throughout your entire body.

This practice, while simple, is amazingly powerful. You can learn more

about how powerful and wonderfully it can help you in my book, Mudra Magic.

The Nine Levels Of Power

The nine levels of power refer to the nine different levels of consciousness that you access when you perform the Kuji Kiri/ Kuji In ritual. Some schools associate each level with a specific chakra. While this may be possible to do, I recommend that you perform each mudra and focus into yourself and notice what happens in your body and where. This will ;allow you to experience the full benefits of the rituals without locking your mind down on one aspect. Just tune into yourself and notice what you notice and take notes. The most important thing to note is that the performance of the mudras combined with the special words will activate your energy system and draw positive forces from the universe at large to aid you whatever way you need. Meaning of the special words Like the origins of this beautiful ritual, the meaning of the special words has been interpreted in many ways. In some cultures, it is believed that they are designed to call on heavenly forces for protection, while in others, they are designed to activate your energy system so that you can access all of the spiritual resources within. Both of these views are correct; when you speak the special words in the sequence provided while holding the mudras, you achieve both of these effects. On the following pages, you find pictures of the mudras along with the meanings of each special word. I recommend that you spend a few minutes on each mudra-word combination so as to feel what is going on in and around you.

Rin - Power (Strength of mind, body, spirit) Generally associated with the root chakra.

PYO ( Kyo) – Energy (energy direction) Generally associated with the second chakra, located 2 inches below your belly button.

TOH – Harmony (one-ness with the universe or self) Generally associated with the solar plexus chakra.

SHA – Healing (of self and others) Generally associated with the heart chakra.

KAI – Intuition (premonition of danger, feeling others intent) Generally associated with the throat chakra

JIN – Awareness (feeling thoughts of others, perhaps hiding your own) Generally associated with the third eye chakra

RETSU – Dimension (control of time and space) Generally associated with the third eye chakra.

ZAI – Creation (understanding nature) Generally associated with the crown chakra.

ZEN – Absolute (enlightenment) Generally associated with the crown chakra.

You’ll notice that I used the term “generally” and here’s why: I have different associations than do most authors on this subject (some don’t even have associations). For instance, in my training, I’ve discovered that the second chakra is connected to intuitive knowing, not necessarily the direction of energy. I recommend that you sit silently whilst holding each mudra for a few minutes and sense what's going on inside of your body. This will allow you to build associations that are true to your own journey.

Kuji Kiri - The Nine Cuts

Kuji Kiri is what we refer to when we talk about cutting. Essentially, this ritual is designed to help you manifest your desires by influencing the external world around you. Kuji In (hand gestures) are designed to help you indirectly influence the macrocosm (outside) world by activating your own power. By creating the kuji grid, you are doing several things: 1.

You are banishing negative energies that may be in your environment.


You set up a free zone into which you can project your intention which will become manifest.


You are invoking the energy that vibrates with your desire directly into your aura, where it radiates from you and attracts the necessary elements for its manifestation.

The simplest way to think of the kuji grid is like a blank sheet of paper upon which you write your message (desire) to the universe, the quantum level from which all things spring and manifest into our physical, 5 senses reality. To create this manifesting grid, you must proceed in a special way, speaking the nine words of power but adding a few steps in the process,

namely using the energy in your body and a special mudra. Because of the nature of this ritual, you’ll want to face the south to invoke those energies for assistance.

The Kuji Grid And The Stroke Order

Sword Finger Mudra In order to perform the ritual properly, you’ll make use of the sword finger mudra. This hand posture/gesture allows you to concentrate your energies to a fine point, essentially creating an energetic laser pointer, which you use to cut your grid onto the space before you.

Sword Finger Mudra In addition, you’ll make use of a special mudra, which consists of creating a sheath with your non-working hand.

Sword Finger Sheathed

Sword finger sheathed with other hand

Initially, you may fumble a bit as you ingrain the ritual into your nervous system, but with a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to perform it in a minute or less. I recommend you practice the stroke order with a piece of paper and pencil. This will develop the motor skills necessary to do the ritual correctly when the time comes. Here’s how to perform it: 1.

Perform the Kuji In hand gesture ritual. This will activate your energies and help increase the power of the kuji kiri ritual. With time and experience, you’ll be able to determine if it’s necessary for you to skip this step. For now, it’s essential to perform it prior to the cutting ritual.


Assume the sword finger sheathed position as pictured previously, taking three deep breaths in the posture.


Unsheath your sword finger and begin the ritual. As you make the cuts, move at the speed that feels good for you. Some people make fast, aggressive cuts while others make them slowly and smoothly. Let your own rhythm decide how you should proceed.


As you make each cut, state each special word. As with step 3, you can state each word loudly or softly, your personal energy rhythm will determine how to do it.


Once you’ve finished the 9th cut (zen), you’ve created a field/space of energy into which you can place your desire. There are many options for you at this point:


You can just state your desire out loud, in the present tense. For instance, if you want to manifest sunshine, you would just state “ I want sunshine”.


If you know kanji, you can use yoru sword finger to trace the kanji that best represents your desire in that energy field. Be careful and make sure that you understand the meaning of that kanji however, as you will get what you put into/onto the grid. This bit of advice applies to any types of magical script you may know.


If you’re familiar with norse runes, you can trace them on the grid as well. These energies are very powerful and straight forward.

6. Once you’ve inserted your desire into the grid, state to yourself “ It’s done”. Once stated, form the sword finger sheath and re-sheath your sword finger. Take a few deep breaths in this position and then carry on with your day. You can also create the kuji grid on your palms, using the same process as above. Some people like to make talismans. I personally use these kuji talismans when my work requires me to travel and I want that extra bit of protection, luck, etc. Experiment and see what modalities work best for your life.

Balancing the Five Rhythms Within You

When you balance the 5 rhythms within you, you tap into the 5 energies that are the foundation of all physical objects. In doing so, you are able to call on these energies to manifest what you desire. The five rhythms are: Water Wood Fire Earth Metal Each rhythm is associated with a specific color, taste, smell, odor, emotion and sense organ: Water: Organs: Kidneys and Bladder Season: Winter Taste: Salty Extreme Emotion: Fear, Panic Synergic Feeling: Assertion, Will Sense Organ: Ears (Hearing) Body Part: Tendons, Ligaments

Wood: Organs: Liver and Gallbladder Season: Spring Direction: East Extreme Emotion: Anger Synergic Feeling: Assertion, Will Sense Organ: Eyes (Sight) Body Part: Tendons, Ligaments

Fire: Organs: Heart and Small Intestine, Triple Warmer, and Pericardium Season: Summer Direction: South Extreme Emotion: Excitement, Shock Synergic Feeling: Joy, Happiness Sense Organ: Tongue (Speech) Body Part: Vascular System

Earth: Organs: Spleen, Pancreas and Stomach Season: Indian/Late Summer Direction: Center Extreme Emotion: Over-Concern, Reminiscence Synergic Feeling: Empathy, Sympathy Sense Organ: Mouth (Taste) Body Part: Muscles, Flesh Metal: Organs: Lungs and Large Intestine

Season: Autumn Direction: West Extreme Emotion: Grief, Anxiety Synergic Feeling: Openness, Letting Go Sense Organ: Nose (Smell) Body Part: Skin, Body Hair

Water: Organs: Kidneys and Bladder Season: Winter Direction: North Extreme Emotion: Fear, Panic Synergic Feeling: Resolution, Will Power Sense Organ: Ears (Hearing) Body Part: Bone, Marrow As you browse through the associated qualities of the rhythms, you may have noticed that you probably exhibit some of the emotions each one represents on a fairly consistent basis ( for good or ill). The following exercises will balance each of your rhythms and allow you to experience the positive (synergic) emotion of each energy and also positively influence each of the body parts/organs/etc associated therewith. You’ll also have positive effects on the physical body systems associated with each rhythm. These balancing exercises are thousands of years old and time tested. Each on takes a few minutes, give or take, depending on how out of balance each rhythm may be. As you progress in your balancing, you may discover that a rhythm within you is in balance and therefore don’t feel the need to perform that exercise and that’s ok. The exercises are as follows:

Balancing Your Water Rhythm

Seated in this position, inhale through your nose and as you exhale, make a “wooooooooo” sound, as if you were a gust of wind. Repeat that sound in this posture for as long as it feels good.

Balancing Your Wood Rhythm

Seated in this position, inhale and as you exhale, make the shu sound ( pronounced shoe) for the length of your exhalation. Repeat until you feel you’ve done it enough.

Balancing Your Fire Rhythm

In this position, inhale and as you exhale, make the “Ha” sound. Repeat until you feel a difference.

Balancing Your Earth Rhythm

Sitting in this position, inhale and as you exhale, make a hu sound. Repeat until you feel a difference.

Balancing Your Metal Rhythm

Sitting this position, make the si sound. Repeat until you feel a difference. You can rest your arms whenever you need and repeat the exercise.

The Five Directions Of Power

What follows are additional spiritual practices you can use to enhance your kuji kiri/kuji in practice and your life. While you can certainly practice without them, they will add a new dimension of success to the practice and your wellbeing. In many systems of spiritual practice, various powers and energies have been associated with the multitude of compass directions and Kuji In/ Kiri Practice is no different. For the purposes of this book, we’ll only work with the four cardinal points. The correspondences are as follows: Tortoise (Black Warrior) = North, Winter, Black, Water White Tiger (Kirin) = West, Fall, White, Metal Red Bird (Phoenix) = South, Summer, Red, Fire Dragon = East, Spring, Blue/Green, Wood Center - Associated with The Divine Creator Connecting with the power that flows from the five directions is essential to empowering your Kuji practice. It’s almost like plugging yourself into an unlimited power source. The following ritual only takes 2 minutes, but will yield you fantastic results for your investment. You can perform it daily to empower yourself even if you don’t perform kuji in/ kuji kiri after it. While you will be calling on the forces of the five directions, we’ll start with the center, as doing so creates a natural energetic field of protection. You also absorb heavenly chi, which will be the foundation for creating your desired thought-forms. Please note that it’s not essential that you visualize the four celestial

animals for this ritual to work; your intention to connect with their energies is enough. Proceed as follows: 1.

Facing east, raise your hands to the heavens and invoke the aid of the creator. Stand there and absorb the power that flows into you through your hands and your entire body, even if you can’t quite sense it consciously; the power is flowing. After a time, you’ll notice that your palms and/or fingers start to tingle; this is a definite sign that the power is flowing. Once you feel the power, place your hands on your heart chakra. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth as you allow the energy from your hands to flow into the vortex there.


Extend your hands out to your sides, forming a “t” with your body as you face the east. Call on the power of the dragon. Inhale as you draw in the power from the east, taking 2 or 3 deep breaths.


In the “T” position, rotate your right so you’re facing south. Facing this direction. Call upon the Red Phoenix. Inhale and absorb that fiery southern power for 2-3 deep breaths.


Rotate to your right and again and face the west, drawing the power of the white tiger for 2-3 deep breaths.


Rotate to the North and draw in the power of the Celestial Turtle for 2-3 deep breaths.


Rotate to the east and raise your hands to the heavens again.

Thank the divine creator for all the blessings you’ve experienced and will experience. Take 2-3 deep breaths in this position.


End the ritual by placing your hands over your 2nd chakra, located 2 inches below your belly button. Hold your hands here and let the power you’ve accumulated flow into that energy center.

Don’t let the simplicity of this ritual get the better of you; this simple ritual will reap untold benefits and you experience more goodness as you practice it.

Using the kuji kiri for personal gain?

This is a hotly debated subject, whether or not a person should use a specific spiritual technology for personal gain. To even argue about this is foolish and a waste of time for this reason: whether you are working the nine cuts to achieve gnosis or attract money, protection, etc, you're still using it for personal gain! What is better is to use the Kuji Kiri practice for noble desires, remembering that you are essentially only influencing yourself so that you can influence your external environment. Remember that it is your right as a being of free-will to experience health, happiness and success and you are able to use whatever tools you can access to manifest these things. Be aware also that you will eventually experience what you radiate so do your best to radiate positive energy in all circumstances and go with the flow to the best of your ability. If you ever are in a situation where you need a boost of luck, use the Heavenly Chi invocation exercise found at the beginning of this book.

About The Author Kenyata Long Kenyata Long is a subtle energy master with over 20 years of experience in various fields of psychic energy manipulation.

Books By This Author Water Magic: Succeed With The Magic Of Water Discover secrets of using water to manifest your goals.

Mudra Magic: Change Your Life With The Power Of Your Hands Learn how to magnetize universal energies to manifest your desires.

Aura Power: Create Your Dream Life With The Power Of Your Energy Field Learn how to control your bio-energy field and the energy fields of those around you.

Mental Projection Made Easy Learn How To Project Your Consciousness Anywhere In The Galaxy. Learn how to influence places and people from the comfort of your own home.

Psi Power: Shape Your Life With Psychic Power The focus of this book is to help you develop psi abilities that manifest in the physical realm as opposed to the more mental-energy level. You’ll still learn some ways to influence others at a distance, but this is necessary to perform some variations of the techniques. The techniques in this book hinge on the fact that you will be using life-force energy and you’ll be taught how to gather and use this life-force energy in various ways.

mANIFEST YOUR DREAM LIFE WITH THE LAW OF ATTRACTION Want more awesome ways to manifest your life in the shortest time possible? Check out my website below and get the manifesting edge.

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Kuji Kiri by Kenyata Long - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2025)
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