How to Know If You’re a Prophetic Seer – 8 Signs | (2024)

Early in my walk with God, I thought I might be called to a prophetic office and wondered how I could know if I was a seer. Years later, God confirmed my calling to me himself.

He sent an angel who gave me a scroll in a dream that had my name on it that read “yes” and that I was “called to be a prophet,” but I “needed to groan more.” So then, God sent others into my life who recognized and confirmed this call.

note: I’m not in the office of a prophet. At least not yet. I’m just sharing personal experiences. This post was originally written in 2019

In this post, I’ll share some things I’ve learned along the way and also some helpful tips I’ve picked up from other Seers on how to know if you are a seer.

God will let you know if you’re a Seer. He will allow your spiritual eyes to open up. This could go back to before you understood the Lord or decades after you accepted Christ. If you are a Seer, you will have many unusual and accurate spiritual experiences like visions, dreams, feeling, discerning spirits, hearing God, etc.

8 Signs You Are a Seer

You Consistently Receive Visual Revelation From the Lord

Seers have a history in God filled with a consistent flow of dreams and visions. Every believer can receive visual revelation from God (and they should ask him to increase this), but not all believers are Seer prophets. A Seer does not only operate in the simple gift of prophecy, as all believers have access through the Holy Spirit.

A Seer’s gifting carries a mantle and a greater authority in the Spirit—which other prophets can recognize—as the spirits of prophets are subject to the prophets. One of the signs of a seer is receiving consistent visual revelation.

Hi, I'm Andrew. I hope you're finding insight and inspiration from this post.

Serving in Kansas City as an Intercessory Missionary, my goal is to share knowledge and perspectives that deepen your relationship with God.

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The visionary states can be diverse such as:

  1. Dreams
  2. Night Visions (distinct from dreams)
  3. Waking Visions
  4. Trances
  5. Out of Body (As Paul went to heaven & Ezekiel was carried away)
  6. Mental Images when praying or prophesying to people

You Have Feel Spiritual Realities in Emotions & Physical Body

Seer’s walk in a stronger discernment gifting. This manifests in their physical senses and in their emotions. These types of seers are also called “feelers” in some circles.

They can sense what God is doing in people, regions, churches, rooms, etc. through their feelings. They can also pick up on what the enemy is doing. Many seers start picking up on the bad stuff before they begin to understand their gifting. This was me.

Seers can feel things in their 5 physical senses and emotions:

  1. Taste
  2. Touch
  3. Smell
  4. Hearing
  5. Seeing
  6. Emotions/Feelings

They can discern if something is:

  1. From Holy Spirit
  2. Angels
  3. Demons/Principalities
  4. Human Emotions / Soul Realm
  5. Human Spirit

You Carry a Burden for Intercession

Frequently the revelation comes with a burden to pray and intercede for what the Lord showed you. This could be for a person, a region, or something uniquely in God’s heart.

Every seer prophet is also an intercessor. They must spend time on their knees before the Lord.

If you don’t spend time in his presence or get many burdens for prayer, ask him to release the mantle of intercession onto you. There are times in my life I’ve had it and times when I haven’t. It’s important to intercede for what the Lord shows you.

God Frequently Shows You Things Before They Happen

He does nothing without revealing it first to his servants, the prophets. He may show you the good to come if cities/nations turn to God, or he may show you the bad stuff that may happen or is going to happen if they don’t repent.

This is tricky because sometimes God shows you the negative events so you can sound an alarm and intercede to stop it from happening. Still, other times he may have you release judgment—which in my life has been very rare.

This has only happened to me once, where I had to release judgment, and it came to pass as I saw. In a dream, a wicked place was burned to the ground. Then the Lord told me the fire was his judgment and to release it.

I prayed and released God’s judgment, and I warned the people. Two weeks later Hurricane Charley hit Florida and the building was completely destroyed. A photo of this place made it in Time magazine. Again, it was God’s judgment. In the photo was a sign that read, “Do it yourself and save.”

Prophetic People Recognize Your Calling When They Meet You

The spirit of a prophet is subject to prophets, and other prophets can recognize a prophetic mantle. Prophetic people often see me glow like Moses. I’ve had times coming out of the presence of God when several prophetic people I did not know stood around me in shock at the glory on my face making it glow. Their jaws dropped.

I’ve had many prophets either call me out in meetings or tell me how much authority God has given me in my calling. So I, too, can recognize authority in the spirit and recognize a true prophetic calling on someone.

Hi, I'm Andrew. I hope you're finding insight and inspiration from this post.

Serving in Kansas City as an Intercessory Missionary, my goal is to share knowledge and perspectives that deepen your relationship with God.

Your support, whether a one-time donation or monthly partnership, helps keep me going as an Intercessory Missionary.

Click Here to Donate

Discover my journey and mission on my About page.

You Are Faithful to a Local Body of Believers

God uses other believers to confirm and affirm a prophet’s calling. Being faithful to a local body of believers is important. It provides family, relationships, and accountability. It’s the only way you can grow in your seer gift.

It would help if you had a community to be able to grow in your gifting. Also, you aren’t a prophet until other people start recognizing and confirming that call on your life. This is something I believe I heard Kris Vallotton (at Bethel) say once,

You are not a Seer prophet if you are running all by yourself. A lone prophet isn’t really a prophet. He may have the gifting and calling, but he won’t be able to walk it out unless he is committed to a local body of believers. Accountability is necessary.

There Might Be Signs in Your Childhood

Many prophets have specific events that serve as indicators, in their childhood, of God’s prophetic call on their life. This could be an encounter with God, Angels, demons, etc. My earlier life was marked by encounters in all three of these categories.

I frequently had demonic attacks during the night. I also remember experiencing the fear of God for the first time at age 5. Age 13 What I believe to be an angel woke me up in a tent where I was camping the night I rededicated my life to Christ. At age 19, God (internal) audibly called my name and said he was proud of me.

At 23, he confirmed my call to be a prophet.

Which I am still not in the office of and am not claiming to be.

I could go on, but if you’re called to be a seer prophet, God will let you know. He’s a smart guy and well-capable in getting your attention.

You See Sin & Demonic Spirits on People

This is related to the discernment gift. You may come out of your prayer closet and go into a public space (or even to church) and see or feel everyone’s sin and the spirits they have on them.

I don’t fully understand why this happens since there is nothing you can do about everything you see—since there are so many people. I won’t reveal 95% of the stuff I see in the spirit to anyone. Especially sin. I give it to Jesus and pray if I’m led.

God also warns me of people through dreams/visions in which their sin is revealed to me (if they aren’t who they make themself out to be. Seer prophets can see sin. Nothing is hidden from God. Especially when in the anointing—everything can be seen. A Seer has to learn how to not judge people based on the sin he sees.

I hope these tips helped. Like I said before, God is capable of confirming your calling. Begin to ask him 🙂

Every Believer in Jesus Has the Indwelling Holy Spirit and Can Hear From God

In the Old Testament, prophets were used because God’s people did not have the inward dwelling of the Holy Spirit or access to the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which was not poured out until Pentecost. Therefore, they were stoned and killed if what they prophesied did not come to pass.

Every believer has the indwelling Holy Spirit. Of course, there are times when prophetic words can break stuff off us and launch us into a divine season of visitation–but most of the time, we, as disciples of Jesus, should be spending time in his Word–and listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

If You Think You Are a Seer

When it comes to knowing if you are a seer, it’s important to be cautious and discerning. It’s a heavy burden and comes with more responsibility, spiritual warfare, and suffering than the average person. Prophets and Seers are needed in the body of Christ, but those called to this office will experience a crushing no one will ever understand but you.

It’s important to recognize where you are in your gifting and not to presume that every thought, impression, or vision is from God. In some cases, they might be, but the only man with perfect insight into every situation is Jesus–and all true prophecy comes from Him–and should be given in a heart overflowing with love.

If you are called to be a Seer or have a prophetic gift, please use caution, and get the Fear of God over the words you speak!

Avoid Prophetic Mis-use

Avoid giving directional words about marriage or moving, as these can easily be from the imagination or just from the pressure to give the word–if it’s not God–it can damage someone’s faith.

You will be accountable for every word you speak on the day of judgment! So, don’t take prophecy lightly.

On discovering our spiritual gifts, we must remain humble and willing to be led by the Holy Spirit; carefully considering each step as it relates to God’s Word. We must check our motives in this process – not seeking glory for ourselves- but rather allowing Him to guide us according to His will.

Prophesy Out of Love, Not Information

All Prophesy Should Lead to Love, Repentance & Bring People Further into Alignment With God’s Will

It’s not just revelation; it’s about the Love of Christ. Sure, there are moments of warning and prophetic insight–but the fruit of Prophecy is Love.

If I speak with the tongues of mankind and of angels but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith to remove mountains but do not have love, I am nothing.

1 Corinthians 13:1-2

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, and the testimony of Jesus is repentance, restoration, and love. The Spirit of prophecy should lead to Love and and increase of the fruit of the Spirit.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law.

Galatians 5:22-23

Good Resources

I highly recommend you all read Growing in the Prophetic by Mike Bickle. You can download it for FREE on his website.

Another good free resource: The Calling of a Prophet

How to Know If You’re a Prophetic Seer – 8 Signs | (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.