Baby Shark's Big Show! is a South Korean-American children's animated preschool television series based on the "Baby Shark" character brand from the South Korean company Pinkfong. SmartStudy, Pinkfong's parent company, co-produces the show with Nickelodeon Animation Studio from the United States. The series is produced by Whitney Ralls, along with other executive producers Gary Doodles, Tommy Sica, Kim Min-seok, Lee Ryan Seung-kyu and Bin Jeong.
In South Korea, the series debuted on the Educational Broadcasting System (EBS) with a Christmas special on December 25, 2020. From September 2021 onward, the series airs regularly on EBS1 on Wednesdays and Thursdays. In the United States, it premiered on Nick Jr. on December 11, 2020. On July 20th, 2021, the series was renewed for a second season, consisting of 26 half-hour episodes. The series has also been acquired by Treehouse TV.
- 1 Premise
- 2 Production
- 4 Episodes
- 5 Movie
- 6 Home Media
- 7 Books
- 8 Album
- 9 Toys
- 10 Songs
- 11 Trivia
- 12 Reception
- 13 See Also
- 14 Gallery
The series features the underwater adventures of a young yellow shark, "Brooklyn" Baby Shark, his best friend, William, and his family members Mommy Shark, Daddy Shark, Grandma Shark and Grandpa Shark.
On June 7, 2019, Pinkfong announced the series on their official Instagram account. On June 25, the Nick Jr. social media accounts posted about the show. The series officially began production of that year.
Cast & Characters[]
- Brooklyn "Baby" Shark - A young male yellow shark and the main protagonist of the series. In the Korean broadcast, his name is Ollie. The episodes "Sink or Swim", "Swimming With The Sharks", "Water Buggin'", and "Picture Imperfect" focus on him and his family.
- William - An orange male pilot fish who is Baby Shark's best friend.
- Mommy Shark - A pink female shark and is Baby Shark's mother.
- Daddy Shark - A blue male shark and is Baby Shark's father.
- Grandma Shark - An orange female shark and is Baby Shark's grandmother.
- Grandpa Shark - A green male shark and is Baby Shark's grandfather.
- Chucks - A purple male seahorse who is clumsy. He is a friend of Baby Shark. The episodes "Snowball Bonanza", "Flow Bros", "Fishtival of Lights", and "The Freeze Out" focus on him.
- Vola - A green female octopus who is a tomboy and loves sports. She is a friend of Baby Shark. The episodes "Medieval Tides", "The Great Skate Chase", "Extreme Dodge Bubble", and "The Trouble with Bunny Slugs" focus on her.
- Mason - A red male crab who has his pitch.
- Goldie - A gold female goldfish who is often vain and flamboyant. She is a friend of Baby Shark. The episodes "The Show Must Flow On", "The Treat Goblin", and "Funny Fish" focus on her.
- Hank - A blue male whale who is the youngest of Baby Shark's friends. The episodes "Rocky-Bye", "Bad Hank", "Fort Fin-ship", "The Slug Hank Redemption", "Doctor Drama", "Sherman in the Middle", and "Finception" focus on him.
- Shadow - A grey male shark who is Baby Shark's arch-rival. The episodes "Shadowland", "Shadow on Ice", and "Sorry, Not Sorry" focus on him.
- Bait And Switch - Shadow's sidekicks. Bait is a purple tang and Switch is a brown angelfish.
- Rayna Ray - A purple female manta ray who is a news reporter and is William's mother.
- Marty Minnow - A green bespectacled male minnow and the leader of the minnows.
- Erza - Chucks' father.
- Anya - Chucks' stepmother.
- Maddie - Chucks' older stepsister.
- Viv - Vola's mother.
- Vera - Vola's other mother.
- Sherman - Hank's father.
- Jozi - Hank's stepmother.
- Ashley and Splashley - Hank's younger stepsisters.
- Mariana - Shadow's mother.
- Sledge - Shadow's cousin.
- Wallace - An aqua dolphin. The episodes "Welcome Wagon" and "The Fishy Friends Talent Show" focus on him.
- Penny - A pink piranha. The episodes "Buds at First Bite" and "The Fishy Friends Talent Show" focus on her.
Baby Shark's Big Show! - Pinkfong, SmartStudy & Nickelodeon Animation Studio.
Season 1
- All I Want For Fishmas
- Crumb Of A Clue
- The Bunny Slug
- Operation Cool Quest
- No Time For Time-Outs
- Knock It Off
- Baby Tooth / Slobber Slug
- Fish Friends Forever
- Super-Shark
- William Vs. Wild
- Live From The Shark House
- Get Your Game On
- Goldie's Lock
- Chore Song
- Mommy Works From Home
- Luck Of The Claw
- Hide And Hunt
- Legendary Loot / Yup Day
- When You Wish Upon A Fish
- Shark-Off
- Baby Mayor
- The Show Must Flow On / Detective Baby Shark
- Sink Or Swim
- Teensy The Tardigrade
- Captain Kelp
- Shadowland / Medieval Tides
- Daddyshack / Rocky-Bye
- Baby Shark's Haunted Halloween / Wavey Jones' Locker
- Rainy Day Round-up / Deep Goo Sea
- Snowball Bonanza / The Present
- Shark Strength / Good Trouble
- Coach Grandma / Busy Baby
- Best Fin-Ship Day / The Great Skate Case
- Shark Prank / Lagoon Lemonade
- The Seaweed Sway (featuring Cardi B) / Flow Bros
- A Shark's Day Night / Bad Hank
- Operation Happy Mommies / Buds at First Bite
- A Tail of Two Fathers / Welcome Wagon
- William Manta: News Fish / Sleeping Like a Baby Shark
- The Lost Jelly / Coral Dilemma
- The Masked Fishy
- The Best Friends Game
- A Mail Whale Tale
- Swimming with the Sharks
Season 2
- The Treat Goblin / Baby Super Shark
- Fort Fin-Ship / Water Buggin'
- Fishtival of Lights / Shadow on Ice
- The Secret Password
- Monday Funday
- Best in Flow
- Blizzard Wizard
- Extreme Dodge Bubble / The Lost Tickets
- Tour Fishies / Sorry, Not Sorry
- The Lucky Necklace / Vigo's Surprise
- Call Me Billiam / The Finship Trap
- Splish Splashketball / The Slug Hank Redemption
- The Trouble with Bunny Slugs / Life with Chumby
- Shark House Rock / Toothpaste Tumble
- Washed Up / 2 Cool 4 Rules
- Fishy Force / Superhero Training Day
- Fishependence Day / Costello Quits
- Saltwater Studios (featuring Anderson Paak) / Sand Crabby
- FLOWMO / Fishy Scouts
- Finloose / Operation Ernie
- Picture Imperfect / The Fishy Friends Talent Show
- Doctor Drama
- The White Whale
- Sherman in the Middle
- Smoothie Day
- Finterstellar
- Goldie's Greatest Role
- Deep Dark Disco
- Finception
Baby Shark's Big Movie
Home Media[]
DVD releases of Baby Shark's Big Show!...
- Baby Shark's Big Show! DVD (Original)
- Super Shark - DVD
- The Seaweed Sway - DVD
Baby Shark's Big Show! DVD (September 2021)
Baby Shark's Big Show! Super Shark - DVD (February 2022)
Book releases of Baby Shark's Big Show!...
- Fish Friends Forever
- Meet The Shark Family And Friends
- Yup Day
- Hide And Hunt
- My First ABC's Sticker Book
- My First 123's Sticker Book
Baby Shark's Big Show! Fish Friends Forever (September 2021)
Baby Shark's Big Show! Meet The Shark Family And Friends: I Can Read! (September 2021)
Baby Shark's Big Show! Yup Day: I Can Read! (October 2021)
Baby Shark's Big Show! Hide And Hunt: I Can Read! (May 2022)
Baby Shark's Big Show! My First ABC's Sticker Book (April 2022)
Baby Shark's Big Show! My First 123's Sticker Book (June 2022)
A digital album titled "Baby Shark's Big Fishmas Special", was released by Pinkfong in 2020. The album includes four songs, all of which are sung by the cast from Baby Shark's Big Show!.
- Can You Smell It In The Air? It's Fishmas!
- Coraling Medley
- Don't Call Me Santa, Call Me Dave
- Giving Gifts
- Baby Shark's Big Show! - Bath Squirters 4-pack (Featuring Baby Shark, William, Goldie, and Chucks)
- Baby Shark's Big Show! - Baby Shark Song Cube
- Baby Shark's Big Show! - William Song Cube
- Baby Shark's Big Show! - Collectable Figures (Featuring Baby Shark, William, Vola, Chucks, Goldie, and Hank)
- Baby Shark's Big Show! - Shark House Playset
- Baby Shark's Big Show! - Sing & Swing Baby Shark & William
- Baby Shark's Big Show! - Baby Shark Super Shark Reversible Plush
- Baby Shark's Big Show! - William Fishlight Plush
- Baby Shark's Big Show! - Vola Song Cube
- Baby Shark's Big Show! - Hank Song Cube
- Baby Shark's Big Show! - Goldie Song Cube
- Baby Shark's Big Show! - Chucks Song Cube
- Baby Shark's Big Show! - Mommy Shark Song Cube
- Baby Shark's Big Show! - Daddy Shark Song Cube
- Baby Shark's Big Show! - William Captain Kelp Reversible Plush
- It's Fishmas!
- Giving Gifts
- Don't Call Me Santa, Call Me Dave
- Caroling Medley
- Good To Be Home
- Gotta Get This Tooth Out
- Toothy, Come Back
- Game Face!
- We Got Rocky!
- You Can't Stop The Music
- There's Nothing To Fear, 'Cause William's Here
- Legendary Loot (song)
- Wish On A Fish
- Shark Like Me
- I'm The Mayor
- Go Sharks!
- I'm A Hero
- We Are The Beach Ball Gang
- Teensy, I'm Sorry
- This is the second television series by Pinkfong, the first being Pinkfong Wonderstar.
- In "Baby Tooth", Baby Shark is called by his real name, Brooklyn. His name is based on the New York City borough.
Emily Ashby, a reviewer for Common Sense Media, gave the show a 2 (out of 5) star rating. She wrote that "Pinkfong's franchise name carries this show only so far and the lackluster writing and plot can't quite compensate for the rest."
See Also[]
- Pinkfong WonderStar
Baby Shark's Big Show! 2nd TV Poster
Baby Shark's Big Show! 3rd TV Poster
Baby Shark's Big Show! Logo